4 May 2006 Automatic 3D virtual scenes modeling for multi sensors simulation
Jean Latger, Alain Le Goff, Thierry Cathala, Mathieu Larive
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SEDRIS that stands for Synthetic Environment Data Representation and Interchange Specification is a DoD/DMSO initiative in order to federate and make interoperable 3D mocks up in the frame of virtual reality and simulation. This paper shows an original application of SEDRIS concept for research physical multi sensors simulation, when SEDRIS is more classically known for training simulation. CHORALE (simulated Optronic Acoustic Radar battlefield) is used by the French DGA/DCE (Directorate for Test and Evaluation of the French Ministry of Defense) to perform multi-sensors simulations. CHORALE enables the user to create virtual and realistic multi spectral 3D scenes, and generate the physical signal received by a sensor, typically an IR sensor. In the scope of this CHORALE workshop, French DGA has decided to introduce a SEDRIS based new 3D terrain modeling tool that enables to create automatically 3D databases, directly usable by the physical sensor simulation CHORALE renderers. This AGETIM tool turns geographical source data (including GIS facilities) into meshed geometry enhanced with the sensor physical extensions, fitted to the ray tracing rendering of CHORALE, both for the infrared, electromagnetic and acoustic spectrum. The basic idea is to enhance directly the 2D source level with the physical data, rather than enhancing the 3D meshed level, which is more efficient (rapid database generation) and more reliable (can be generated many times, changing some parameters only). The paper concludes with the last current evolution of AGETIM in the scope mission rehearsal for urban war using sensors. This evolution includes indoor modeling for automatic generation of inner parts of buildings.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jean Latger, Alain Le Goff, Thierry Cathala, and Mathieu Larive "Automatic 3D virtual scenes modeling for multi sensors simulation", Proc. SPIE 6239, Targets and Backgrounds XII: Characterization and Representation, 62390V (4 May 2006); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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3D modeling


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Geographic information systems


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