1 September 2005 Impact of pre-illumination in PVK-based photorefractive polymers for holographic imaging applications
Michael Salvador, Sebastian Köber, Malte Gather, Klaus Meerholz
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A poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) based photorefractive (PR) composite has been used as recording medium in a holographic setup designed for time gated holographic imaging (TGHI). A loss of sensitivity is observed when the performance of the material is probed with a femtosecond (fs) laser and a superluminescence diode (SLD) as short coherence light sources. It is known that the reduction in sensitivity can be compensated by different chemical and physical approaches. Here we report on a first step of a comprehensive pre-illumination (PI) series experiments with red and near infrared (NIR) laser light to gain deeper insight into the microscopic mechanism of the PI effect and to overcome the loss of sensitivity. PI with red laser light increases the recording time while simultaneous PI with one of the write beams affects the response time only slightly.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Michael Salvador, Sebastian Köber, Malte Gather, and Klaus Meerholz "Impact of pre-illumination in PVK-based photorefractive polymers for holographic imaging applications", Proc. SPIE 5939, Organic Holographic Materials and Applications III, 593907 (1 September 2005);
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Light sources

Semiconductor lasers

Continuous wave operation

Near infrared



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