7 June 2005 Synchronization of ELETTRA storage-ring light sources with an ultrafast CR:LISAF laser
M Ferianis, M. B. Danailov, G. Afifi, M. Coreno, B. Diviacco, G. De Ninno, L. Giannessi, M. Trovo, M. Marsi
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Proceedings Volume 5850, Advanced Laser Technologies 2004; (2005)
Event: Advanced Laser Technologies 2004, 2004, Rome and Frascati, Italy
The techniques for synchronizing ultra fast lasers to external radio frequency reference sources are well established and characterized in the literature. However, there is little data on the actual light-to-light jitter that can be achieved in different synchrotron operation modes when an external laser is locked to the storage ring master clock. Here we present first results of the synchronization of an ultra fast Cr:LiSAF laser with synchrotron radiation generated by the ELETTRA storage ring in different filling modes. In addition, data on the synchronization of the same laser with the ELETTRA FEL pulses, both in free running and Q-switching regimes, are reported. In our experiments, laser-to-RF locking was continuously monitored using built-in phase detection. The laser light to storage ring light locking was characterized by simultaneous acquisition of the two/three pulse trains by a streak camera. In addition, pulse jitter was determined by processing of the signal of fast photodiodes monitoring the different light beams.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
M Ferianis, M. B. Danailov, G. Afifi, M. Coreno, B. Diviacco, G. De Ninno, L. Giannessi, M. Trovo, and M. Marsi "Synchronization of ELETTRA storage-ring light sources with an ultrafast CR:LISAF laser", Proc. SPIE 5850, Advanced Laser Technologies 2004, (7 June 2005);
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Free electron lasers

Phase measurement

Streak cameras

Light sources

Synchrotron radiation

Ultrafast phenomena

Electron beams


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