29 September 2004 Concept of a photon-counting camera based on a diffraction-addressed Gray-code mask
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A new concept of photon counting camera for fast and low-light-level imaging applications is introduced. The possible spectrum covered by this camera ranges from visible light to gamma rays, depending on the device used to transform an incoming photon into a burst of visible photons (photo-event spot) localized in an (x,y) image plane. It is actually an evolution of the existing "PAPA" (Precision Analog Photon Address) Camera that was designed for visible photons. This improvement comes from a simplified optics. The new camera transforms, by diffraction, each photo-event spot from an image intensifier or a scintillator into a cross-shaped pattern, which is projected onto a specific Gray code mask. The photo-event position is then extracted from the signal given by an array of avalanche photodiodes (or photomultiplier tubes, alternatively) downstream of the mask. After a detailed explanation of this camera concept that we have called "DIAMICON" (DIffraction Addressed Mask ICONographer), we briefly discuss about technical solutions to build such a camera.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sebastien Morel "Concept of a photon-counting camera based on a diffraction-addressed Gray-code mask", Proc. SPIE 5501, High-Energy Detectors in Astronomy, (29 September 2004);
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