30 September 2004 Test observations of the Kyoto Tridimensional Spectrograph II at the University of Hawaii 88-in and Subaru Telescopes
Hajime Sugai, Takashi Hattori, Atsushi Kawai, Shinobu Ozaki, George Kosugi, Hiroshi Ohtani, Tadashi Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Ishigaki, Motomi Ishii, Minoru Sasaki, Atsushi Shimono, Yoshiko Okita, Jun Sudo, Norihide Takeyama
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In order to investigate the physical conditions of ionized gas in galaxies, as well as its kinematics, we have developed the Kyoto tridimensional spectrograph II (3DII). It is a multi-mode instrument designed for Cassegrain focus, including integral field spectrograph (IFS) and Fabry-Perot imager modes. We have designed it compact so that we can mount it at 2-m class telescopes as well as at 8-m Subaru telescope. We have succeeded in test observations of the 3DII. In the IFS mode the spatial resolution of ~ 0".5 and 0".4 was obtained in 30-minute exposures at University of Hawaii 88-inch (UH88) and Subaru, respectively, in relatively good weather conditions. Each of 37 × 37 microlenses subtends ~ 0".1 in Subaru's case. This samples well the image size. A wider field of view is emphasized in the case of UH88. Because our micropupil spectroscopy is free from a slit effect, we have reached the accuracy of an order of one tenth of a pixel for deriving velocity fields in terms of velocity center while the full width at half maximum of the instrumental profile corresponds to two pixels. At Subaru we have used a container designed in a collaboration with National Astronomical Observatory, Japan: it fits with a robotic instrument exchanger. The containerincludes two heat exchangers to keep its surface cool and void degrading the image quality. We have established effective observational equences by realizing a software interface with Subaru operating system. ome results from target observations are shown.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hajime Sugai, Takashi Hattori, Atsushi Kawai, Shinobu Ozaki, George Kosugi, Hiroshi Ohtani, Tadashi Hayashi, Tsuyoshi Ishigaki, Motomi Ishii, Minoru Sasaki, Atsushi Shimono, Yoshiko Okita, Jun Sudo, and Norihide Takeyama "Test observations of the Kyoto Tridimensional Spectrograph II at the University of Hawaii 88-in and Subaru Telescopes", Proc. SPIE 5492, Ground-based Instrumentation for Astronomy, (30 September 2004); Logo
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Iterated function systems



Fabry–Perot interferometers

Charge-coupled devices



Kyoto Tridimensional Spectrograph I
Proceedings of SPIE (July 09 1998)
Ultra-High Precision Radial Velocity Spectrometer
Proceedings of SPIE (November 16 1982)
Kyoto Tridimensional Spectrograph II
Proceedings of SPIE (July 09 1998)

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