26 February 2004 Unique cost-effective approach for multisurfaced micro-aspheric lens prototyping and fabrication by single-point diamond turning and micro-injection molding technology
Ashley Min-Hang Pun, Chi-Choy Wong, Norman Sin-Wing Chan, Derek Chi-Hang Louie, Li-Man Li
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The latest development of sophisticated high-precision optical devices necessitates precision fabrication methodologies of freeform microlens having very tight, up to micron tolerance. Instead of adopting high-end multi-axis freeform machining approach, the proposed acrylic multi-surfaced microaspheric lens, with the axial diameter of 1.3mm, was cost-effectively prototyped and fabricated by single point diamond turning and micro-injection molding technology respectively. The micro-optical component was used as an opto-electronic module for high-speed data-transmission in fiber optics. Sequential fixturing technique was applied to facilitate the precise fabrication of the optical surfaces from different optical alignments. The aspherical accuracy and surface finish of the machined surfaces were evaluated, and end result was determined to be satisfactory. Further, the ultra precision tooling would be developed for micro-injection molding for carrying out mass production of the micro-optical component.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ashley Min-Hang Pun, Chi-Choy Wong, Norman Sin-Wing Chan, Derek Chi-Hang Louie, and Li-Man Li "Unique cost-effective approach for multisurfaced micro-aspheric lens prototyping and fabrication by single-point diamond turning and micro-injection molding technology", Proc. SPIE 5252, Optical Fabrication, Testing, and Metrology, (26 February 2004); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Aspheric lenses

Single point diamond turning


Spherical lenses


Surface finishing



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