19 May 2003 DBMap: a TreeMap-based framework for data navigation and visualization of brain research registry
Ming Zhang, Hong Zhang, Donny Tjandra, Stephen T. C. Wong
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The purpose of this study is to investigate and apply a new, intuitive and space-conscious visualization framework to facilitate efficient data presentation and exploration of large-scale data warehouses. We have implemented the DBMap framework for the UCSF Brain Research Registry. Such a novel utility would facilitate medical specialists and clinical researchers in better exploring and evaluating a number of attributes organized in the brain research registry. The current UCSF Brain Research Registry consists of a federation of disease-oriented database modules, including Epilepsy, Brain Tumor, Intracerebral Hemorrphage, and CJD (Creuzfeld-Jacob disease). These database modules organize large volumes of imaging and non-imaging data to support Web-based clinical research. While the data warehouse supports general information retrieval and analysis, there lacks an effective way to visualize and present the voluminous and complex data stored. This study investigates whether the TreeMap algorithm can be adapted to display and navigate categorical biomedical data warehouse or registry. TreeMap is a space constrained graphical representation of large hierarchical data sets, mapped to a matrix of rectangles, whose size and color represent interested database fields. It allows the display of a large amount of numerical and categorical information in limited real estate of computer screen with an intuitive user interface. The paper will describe, DBMap, the proposed new data visualization framework for large biomedical databases. Built upon XML, Java and JDBC technologies, the prototype system includes a set of software modules that reside in the application server tier and provide interface to backend database tier and front-end Web tier of the brain registry.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ming Zhang, Hong Zhang, Donny Tjandra, and Stephen T. C. Wong "DBMap: a TreeMap-based framework for data navigation and visualization of brain research registry", Proc. SPIE 5033, Medical Imaging 2003: PACS and Integrated Medical Information Systems: Design and Evaluation, (19 May 2003); Logo
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