11 February 2003 Motivation, deisgn, and development of 12-micron imaging stokes polarimeters for solar magnetic field studies
Drake Deming, Donald E. Jennings, George H. McCabe, Thomas Moran, Pedro Sada, Kimberly A. Ennico
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We discuss the scientific motivations, design considerations, and development status of imaging Stokes polarimeters based on the extremely Zeeman-senstive infrared emission line of MgI at 12.32 μm. The resolved Zeeman splitting exhibited by this far-infrared line enables significant progress on many problems in solar physics. These problems include vertical gradients in field strength, the magnetic structure of sunspots, the nature of magnetic energy release associated with solar flares, the measurement of horizontal currents in solar active regions, improved measurements of vertical currents, direct measurement of photospheric reconnection, the occurrence and nature of weak magnetic fields, and other problems. We discuss why 12 μm measurements are well suited to these investigations, and we comment on the capability of current instrumentation to enable these studies. Several instruments currently exist to perform 12 μm Stokes polarimetry: a Fabry-Perot system, a grating spectrometer, and the McMath-Pierce Fourier transform spectrometer (which remains crucial for many aspects). We elaborate on some design considerations and development issues, and discuss the optimal approach to be taken in future 12 μm imaging Stokes polarimetry.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Drake Deming, Donald E. Jennings, George H. McCabe, Thomas Moran, Pedro Sada, and Kimberly A. Ennico "Motivation, deisgn, and development of 12-micron imaging stokes polarimeters for solar magnetic field studies", Proc. SPIE 4853, Innovative Telescopes and Instrumentation for Solar Astrophysics, (11 February 2003);
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Solar processes

Fabry–Perot interferometers

Fourier transforms


Solar energy


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