30 May 2001 Three-dimensional micro-optical architecture for chip-level optical interconnects
Dennis W. Prather, Sriram Venkatraraman, Marion R. LeCompte, Harry E. Bates Jr., Fouad E. Kiamilev
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As processor speeds enter the Gigahertz regime, the disparity between processing time and memory access time plays an increasingly important role in the overall limitation of processor performance. Furthermore, as the components continue to shrink in size, the limitations in interconnect density and bandwidth serve to exacerbate communication bottlenecks. To address these issues, we propose a 3D architecture based on through-wafer vertical optical interconnects. Our system is monolithically fabricated on a single host substrate and preserves the VLSI-scale of integration by using meso-scopic diffractive optical elements for beam fan-out and signal distribution at the chip level.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Dennis W. Prather, Sriram Venkatraraman, Marion R. LeCompte, Harry E. Bates Jr., and Fouad E. Kiamilev "Three-dimensional micro-optical architecture for chip-level optical interconnects", Proc. SPIE 4292, Optoelectronic Interconnects VIII, (30 May 2001);
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Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers

Optical interconnects

Diffractive optical elements


Computer architecture

Field programmable gate arrays

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