15 June 2001 Adaptive grating optical limiting with organic photonic materials
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The purpose of this paper is to present a grating-assisted nonlinear limiting method based on the principle of index mismatching and grating diffraction. In addition, various nonlinear organic materials have been tested in the optical limiting system. A few examples with experimental results are presented. Using a YAG nanosecond pulse laser at 532 nm as a simulated threat laser source, we tested the optical limiting characteristics of the methyl-red doped nematic liquid crystal films. In the meantime, we observed some quite interesting optical phenomena, such as self-defocusing diffraction rings, dark spots in the far-field behind the cell. Our experimental results presented in the paper show that the methyl-red doped nematic liquid crystal films posses a good optical limiting performance. When the input energy focused on the cell increases from approximately zero micro Joule to approximately 200 micro Joule, the output energy on the far-field exit plane is kept under 1 micro Joule. We will describe a completed optical limiting system with Q-switched frequency-doubled 12- ns Nd:YAG laser, dual-channel detectors, and computer processing units based on Lab-view software and its design considerations.
© (2001) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hua-Kuang Liu, Luogen Deng, Ruibo Wang, and Chunfei Li "Adaptive grating optical limiting with organic photonic materials", Proc. SPIE 4279, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices III, (15 June 2001); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Optical limiting

Diffraction gratings

Nonlinear optics



Spatial frequencies


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