13 February 2001 Long-term lidar observation and analysis of aerosol vertical profiles in Jakarta, Indonesia
Mego Pinandito, Santoso Sugondo, Nobuo Sugimoto, Ichiro Matsui
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Vertical profiles of aerosols are observed in Jakarta, Indonesia with a Mie scattering lidar network system. It is consisting of three lidars located in the coastal, central, and inland areas. The structure of the planetary boundary layer was observed during dry season and wet season from 1998 to 2000. Radiometer measurement was performed in Jakarta in a period and we used this data in analyzing lidar data. In comparison, the boundary layer and their structure were different in daytime and nighttime. We found also different structure between dry and wet season. In some periods in dry season, the diurnal variation of the boundary layer structures were clearly observed. The mixed layer sometimes reach to maximum of approximately 2.5 km in thytime. The sea-land breeze circulation was observed in this observation. Low concentration of aerosol was brought by a sea breeze, and a layer of aerosols was formed at the top of the boundary layer by the reverse flow. In wet season, the boundary layer was not clearly observed. Aerosol distribution was complicated and also observed above the boundary layer at altitudes of 2 to 5 km. While there were much cloud in altitude of 5 to 8 km. mixed layers were still lower below 1 km The mixed layer height have close relationship to the air pollution condition.
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Mego Pinandito, Santoso Sugondo, Nobuo Sugimoto, and Ichiro Matsui "Long-term lidar observation and analysis of aerosol vertical profiles in Jakarta, Indonesia", Proc. SPIE 4153, Lidar Remote Sensing for Industry and Environment Monitoring, (13 February 2001);
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Mie scattering

Air contamination

Atmospheric laser remote sensing

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