5 July 2000 High-NA high-throughput scanner compatible 2-kHz KrF excimer laser for DUV lithography
Hiroaki Nakarai, Naoto Hisanaga, Natsushi Suzuki, Takeshi Matsunaga, Takeshi Asayama, Jun Akita, Toru Igarashi, Tatsuya Ariga, Satoru Bushida, Tatsuo Enami, Ryoichi Nodomi, Yuichi Takabayashi, Syouich Sakanishi, Takashi Suzuki, Hitoshi Tomaru, Kiyoharu Nakao
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We have succeeded in the development of an excimer laser with ultra narrow bandwidth applicable to high N.A. scanners targeting on the 0.13micrometers -design rule. Key word of our solution for 0.13micrometers -design rule was 'extended technologies of currently available KrF excimer laser unit. As the result we could shorten development time remarkably. The narrower the laser spectrum, the less the influence of chromatic aberration on exposure projection lens; this is a well-known fact. We have developed the technologies to achieve spectral bandwidths less than 0.5pm, 20 percent narrower than our current model G20K. In order to attain this number, the major design change was made on line narrowing module, which was redesigned to minimize the dispersion of wavelength element. In addition gas condition was fine-tuned for the new line narrowing module. Integrated energy stability has been improved within +/- 0.35 percent with 35 pulses window by the introduction of a high efficiency pules power module and a faster gas circulation system. The rest of oscillation performances and durability equate with the base model G20K. The intelligent gas control system extended gas exchange interval up to 200 million pulses or 7 days. The G20K already passed through 10 billion-pulse test. Total energy loss was within 4mJ which is small enough to be compensated by gas injection and voltage change; it is a unique compensation system of Komatsu.
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hiroaki Nakarai, Naoto Hisanaga, Natsushi Suzuki, Takeshi Matsunaga, Takeshi Asayama, Jun Akita, Toru Igarashi, Tatsuya Ariga, Satoru Bushida, Tatsuo Enami, Ryoichi Nodomi, Yuichi Takabayashi, Syouich Sakanishi, Takashi Suzuki, Hitoshi Tomaru, and Kiyoharu Nakao "High-NA high-throughput scanner compatible 2-kHz KrF excimer laser for DUV lithography", Proc. SPIE 4000, Optical Microlithography XIII, (5 July 2000);
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Excimer lasers




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