5 June 1998 Photoacid generator study for chemically amplified negative resists for high-resolution lithography
Paul M. Dentinger, Kurtis G. Knapp, Geoffrey W. Reynolds, James Welch Taylor, Theodore H. Fedynyshyn, Todd A. Richardson
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The effect of photoacid generator and photogenerated acid molecular structures on a negative-tone chemically-amplified resist was tested using two different sets of acid generators, each set with one formulation creating a 'volatile' acid, and the other formulation creating a 'non- volatile' acid when exposed to x-rays. The acids from one set were generated from a derivative of iodonium salt and the acids from the other set were generated from a covalently bound photoacid generator. Both sets were compared to Shipley SAL 605 resist. In this study of five formulations, normalized remaining thickness (NRT) curves, SEM images of printed lines, spectrophotometric titration of the photogenerated acid, real-time curves, SEM images of printed lines, spectrophotometric titration of the photogenerated acid, real-time FTIR for kinetics of the PEB reaction, dissolution rate measurements, and atomic force microscopy for surface roughness were employed. RT-FTIR suggested that both the proposed 'volatile' and 'non- volatile' acids were retained to approximately the same extent within the films cast from these formulations. A mechanism is suggested where the type of photogenerated acid has an effect on the kinetics of the reaction and the photogenerated acid or photoacid effect on the kinetics of the reaction and the photogenerated acid or photoacid generator has a large effect on the ability of the aqueous developer to penetrate or dissolve the film.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Paul M. Dentinger, Kurtis G. Knapp, Geoffrey W. Reynolds, James Welch Taylor, Theodore H. Fedynyshyn, and Todd A. Richardson "Photoacid generator study for chemically amplified negative resists for high-resolution lithography", Proc. SPIE 3331, Emerging Lithographic Technologies II, (5 June 1998);
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Surface roughness

Atomic force microscopy

Semiconducting wafers

FT-IR spectroscopy


Scanning electron microscopy

X-ray lithography


Preliminary Testing Results For A New X-Ray Stepper
Proceedings of SPIE (August 01 1989)
Lithography for ULSI
Proceedings of SPIE (June 09 1995)
SOR Lithography in West Germany
Proceedings of SPIE (August 01 1989)

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