31 December 1997 EOS follow-on missions (near-term)
Francesco Bordi, Steven P. Neeck, Christopher J. Scolese, Raynor L. Taylor
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Proceedings Volume 3221, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites; (1997)
Event: Aerospace Remote Sensing '97, 1997, London, United Kingdom
Next June NASA will launch the EOS AM-1 mission, followed in July by the Landsat 7 mission. Since some of the scientific objectives require long-term observation, beyond the six-year lifetime of Landsat 7 and EOS AM-1, NASA has started initial planning of near-term EOS follow-on missions. To guide the planning of these missions, five science themes have been identified: land cover and land use change; seasonal to interannual climate prediction; natural hazards; long-term climate variability; and atmospheric ozone. Planning for near- term follow-on missions focuses on acquiring data within the land cover and land use change theme, providing broad continuity with EOS AM-1 and Landsat 7, but not mechanically replicating the measurements taken by those missions. Strawman measurements for the EOS follow-on missions include radiation budget; polarization; bi-directional reflectance distribution function; global land and atmosphere imaging; global ocean imaging; and high resolution imaging.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Francesco Bordi, Steven P. Neeck, Christopher J. Scolese, and Raynor L. Taylor "EOS follow-on missions (near-term)", Proc. SPIE 3221, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites, (31 December 1997);
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Earth observing sensors


Climate change


Atmospheric sciences

Bidirectional reflectance transmission function

Image resolution

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