30 July 1997 High-density phase-change recording beyond 2.6 Gb
Herman J. Borg, J. P. W. B. Duchateau
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Proceedings Volume 3109, Optical Data Storage 1997 Topical Meeting; (1997)
Event: Optical Data Storage Topical Meeting '97, 1997, Tucson, AZ, United States
We review the current status of high density phase-change optical recording at red wavelengths. A user bit capacity of 3.0 GByte has been realized on a 120 mm rewritable disk by using in-groove recording and a simple and reliable wobbled groove format. The headerless format shows excellent data and address integrity during cyclability tests and it has a high degree of compatibility with read-only DVD. In order to extend disk capacity even further, both radial and tangential densities must be increased. In increasing the radial density, land/groove recording appears more promising than in-groove recording because optical cross-talk between neighboring tracks can be largely cancelled. A reduction of the track pitch in land/groove recording below 0.74 micrometers results in thermal cross-talk, leading to partial erasure of data in the adjacent tracks. The minimum bit length which gives acceptable recording tolerances in both land and groove tracks is 0.32 micrometers . With the combination of a track pitch of 0.74 micrometers and a bit length of 0.32 micrometers , an areal density of 2.7 Gbit/in2 and a user capacity of 3.5 GByte should be possible in land/groove recording.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Herman J. Borg and J. P. W. B. Duchateau "High-density phase-change recording beyond 2.6 Gb", Proc. SPIE 3109, Optical Data Storage 1997 Topical Meeting, (30 July 1997); Logo
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