23 June 1997 Forward-backward Kalman filtering method for improving pointing knowledge of HIRDLS
Richard M. Powers, Marcelo C. Algrain, John C. Gille, Jinxue Wang
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This paper presents the application of discrete-point forward-backward Kalman filtering to improve pointing knowledge of the High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HIRDLS). The instrument is modeled by the following four sections: baseplate, optical bench 1, optical bench 2, and scanner plate. In this system, it is necessary to determine the pointing direction of the scanner with high accuracy. For this purpose, a gyro is affixed to the sounder on optical bench 2. The S/C attitude, extracted from a star- tracker and a second gyro, is also used in this determination. A final piece of information for determining HIRDLS pointing direction is available from the geopotential height at the equator; it has been shown that equatorial geopotential heights are relatively stable, and HIRDLS azimuth scanning is designed to overlap at eh equatorial region so that the same part of the atmosphere will be observed over two consecutive orbits. This condition allows determination of the instrument gyro drift at certain times in each orbit. To take advantage of this information, along with all other data from the various instruments, a discrete-point forward-backward Kalman filter is used to maximize pointing knowledge of the limb sounder. Computer simulation results are provided demonstrating the gains in pointing knowledge.
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Richard M. Powers, Marcelo C. Algrain, John C. Gille, and Jinxue Wang "Forward-backward Kalman filtering method for improving pointing knowledge of HIRDLS", Proc. SPIE 3086, Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing XI, (23 June 1997);
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Filtering (signal processing)



Electronic filtering

Optical benches


Optical filters


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