22 July 1997 Opportunities of microelectromechanical systems in the application of detection, localization, and neutralization of unexploded ordinances
Michael A. Huff, Francis L. Merat, Roger Quinn
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Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) is the integration of actuators, sensors, and electronics onto a silicon substrate through the utilization of microfabrication technology. MEMS is an enabling technology, in that it allows the realization of smart devices and systems by augmenting the computational ability of electronics with the perception and control capabilities of microsensors and microactuators. In the most general form, the sensors gather information from the environment, the electronics analyze the sensor information and direct the actuators to control or manipulate the environment for some desired outcome or purpose. The benefits of MEMS technology for realization of demining sensors include: high sensitivity, low-cost due to batch fabrication; high accuracy and reliability, small size and weight; low power consumption; high levels of functionality; and the ability to integrate on-chip electronics. Combining MEMS sensors onto low-cost robotic platforms which can autonomously scan large areas for mines without placing humans at risk is an attractive approach to the unexploded ordinance problem.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Michael A. Huff, Francis L. Merat, and Roger Quinn "Opportunities of microelectromechanical systems in the application of detection, localization, and neutralization of unexploded ordinances", Proc. SPIE 3079, Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets II, (22 July 1997);
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Microelectromechanical systems

Land mines



Environmental sensing


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