23 June 1997 SAR coherent change detection (CCD) for search and rescue
Arthur W. Mansfield, Paul L. Poehler, Houra Rais
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Recent advances in the areas of phase history processing, interferometry, and radargrammetric adjustment have made possible extremely accurate information extraction from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image pairs by means of interferometric techniques. The potential gain in accuracy is significant since measurements can theoretically be determined to within a fraction of a wavelength (subcentimeter accuracy) as opposed to a fraction of pixel distance (meter accuracy). One promising application of interferometric SAR (IFSAR) is the use of coherent change detection (CCD) over large areas to locate downed aircraft. This application poses an additional challenge since IFSAR must be processed at longer wavelengths to achieve foliage penetration. In this paper a combination of advanced techniques is described for using airborne SAR imagery to carry out this mission. Performance parameters are derived, and some examples are given from actual data.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Arthur W. Mansfield, Paul L. Poehler, and Houra Rais "SAR coherent change detection (CCD) for search and rescue", Proc. SPIE 3069, Automatic Target Recognition VII, (23 June 1997); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Synthetic aperture radar

Interferometric synthetic aperture radar

Image processing

Charge-coupled devices

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