25 March 1996 Detection of 1-100 keV x rays from high-intensity 500-fs laser-produced plasmas using charge-coupled devices
James Dunn, Bruce KF Young, Alan D. Conder, Richard E. Stewart
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Proceedings Volume 2654, Solid State Sensor Arrays and CCD Cameras; (1996)
Event: Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, 1996, San Jose, CA, United States
We describe a compact, vacuum compatible, large format, charge-coupled device (CCD) camera for scientific imaging and detection of 1 - 100 keV x-rays in experiments at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory JANUS-1 ps laser. A standard, front-illuminated, multi-pin phase device with 250 k electron full well capacity, low dark current (10 pA/cm2 at 20 degree(s)C) and low read noise (5 electrons rms) is cooled to -35 degree(s)C to give the camera excellent 15-bit dynamic range and signal-to-noise response. The intensity and x-ray energy linear response have been determined for optical and x-ray (< 65 keV) photons and are found to be in excellent agreement. Departure from linearity has been measured to be less than 0.7%. The inherent linearity and energy dispersive characteristics of CCD cameras are well suited for hard x-ray photon counting techniques in scientific applications. X-rays absorbed within the depletion and field-free regions can be distinguished by studying the pulse height spectrum. Results are presented for the detection of 1 - 100 keV Bremsstrahlung continuum, K-shell and L-shell fluorescence spectra emitted from high intensity (1018 W cm-2), 500 fs laser-produced plasmas.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
James Dunn, Bruce KF Young, Alan D. Conder, and Richard E. Stewart "Detection of 1-100 keV x rays from high-intensity 500-fs laser-produced plasmas using charge-coupled devices", Proc. SPIE 2654, Solid State Sensor Arrays and CCD Cameras, (25 March 1996); Logo
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Charge-coupled devices


CCD cameras

Hard x-rays


CCD image sensors


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