17 October 1994 Field measurement technique for infrared camera characterization
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This paper is an extension of previous work which dealt with characterizing the performance of staring PtSi infrared cameras, based on estimating their spatial frequency response. Applying a modified knife edge technique, we arrive at an estimate of the edge spread function (ESF), which is used to obtain a profile through the center of the two-dimensional modulation transfer function (MTF). In this paper, we demonstrate that this technique is applicable as a field measurement. The resolution of the system can be calculated using the width of the line spread function (LSF) and an image of an object of known width. In addition, by applying this technique at long range, the MTF of the atmosphere can be measured.
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Alexis P. Tzannes "Field measurement technique for infrared camera characterization", Proc. SPIE 2269, Infrared Technology XX, (17 October 1994);
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Modulation transfer functions

Infrared cameras


Infrared technology

Spatial frequencies

Image processing

Image resolution


Evaluation of the microscanning process
Proceedings of SPIE (October 17 1994)
Continuously Variable Periodic Test Target
Proceedings of SPIE (January 01 1987)
Toward the characterization of infrared cameras
Proceedings of SPIE (November 01 1993)

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