1 July 1992 Low-noise 256 x 256 10-kelvin staring FPA
Nancy A. Lum, James F. Asbrock, Rebekah White, Frank Augustine, A. Hoffman, Sven C. Nystrom
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Cryogenic spe telescopes such as the Space Infrared Telescope Faility (SIRTF) require large-area focal plane arrays (FPAs) with high sensitivity. This places large demands on readout arrays to simultaneously provide low noiseand high responsivity at low power dissipation. The Hughes Technology Center (HTC) has developed a low-noise 256x256-pixel readout array applicable to the SIRTF visible Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS), short-wavelength infrared array camera (IRAC), and Infrared Spectrometer (IRS). The readout is designed to operate at temperatures below 10 K. The unit cell employs a switched source follower-per-detector design wherein signals are multiplexed onto four outputs while row and column scanners can flexibly address small block portions of the array to conserve power. The readout has recently beenfabricated using the standard cryo-CMOS process developed at Hit specifically for low-temperawre, low-noise operation. The readout can be used with Si PIN, InSb, and Si impurity-band-conduction (IBC) detector arrays.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nancy A. Lum, James F. Asbrock, Rebekah White, Frank Augustine, A. Hoffman, and Sven C. Nystrom "Low-noise 256 x 256 10-kelvin staring FPA", Proc. SPIE 1684, Infrared Readout Electronics, (1 July 1992); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Staring arrays

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Infrared radiation


CMOS technology


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