1 May 1991 Multichannel fiber optic broadband video communication system for monitoring CT/MR examinations
H. K. Huang, Hooshang Kangarloo, Raymond Harvey Tecotzky, Xin Cheng, Don Vanderweit
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The Department of Radiological Sciences, UCLA operates five MR and four CT scanners located in three different buildings and two mobile sites. We have designed and implemented a multi-channel fiber optic broadband video communication system connecting these scanners together. This system consists of baseband fiber optic transmitters and receivers, a multiplexing headend, and broadband fiber optic transmitters and receivers. It can serve up to 5 km. The video signal from each scanner is sent through a baseband fiber optic link to the headend, where it is frequency modulated and distributed over broadband fiber optic links. A receiver, consisting of a demodulator, a TV monitor, and a channel selector, is placed at fourteen strategic locations including the fiber optic hub rooms, chest, neuroradiology, abdomen, bone, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and pediatric reading rooms as well as scheduling rooms. A radiologist can use any of these fourteen receivers to view a patient''s CT/MR image in real time by selecting the proper channel assigned to the scanner, and use the telephone to communicate with the technologist to monitor the examination. This fiber optic broadband video communication system has been integrated into daily clinical use.
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H. K. Huang, Hooshang Kangarloo, Raymond Harvey Tecotzky, Xin Cheng, and Don Vanderweit "Multichannel fiber optic broadband video communication system for monitoring CT/MR examinations", Proc. SPIE 1444, Medical Imaging V: Image Capture, Formatting, and Display, (1 May 1991);
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