1 January 1991 1990 International Lens Design Conference lens design problems: the design of a NonLens
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Proceedings Volume 1354, 1990 Intl Lens Design Conf; (1991)
Event: 1990 International Lens Design Conference, 1990, Monterey, CA, United States
The International Lens Design Conference (ILDC) has traditionally included one or more lens design problems for members of the design community to consider. 1''2''3 This year there are two: the Monochromatic QUartet and the NonLens. The problems are intended to be enjoyable and instructive for participants conference attendees and even for readers of these Proceedings! The NonLens was suggested by Professor Adriaan Waither of Worcester Polytechnic Institote. It is an unusual lens that requires the participants to determine the design form and optimization method that best satisfies the requirements. Furthermore it is of theoretical interest explained by Waither later in this paper. Eighteen individuals submitted twenty solutions. They are all included here along with several simple solutions that were generated for comparison. 1. The problem: A NonLens The following statement of the NonLens problem was distributed with the ILDC Call for Papers: 2. Background of the NonLens Prof. Walther sent a history of his interest in NonLenses which follows (slightly paraphrased) " As a graduate swdent in Deift I worked as a research assistant for A. C. S. van Heel. He was the man who. . . had revived the art of lens design in Holland. He played an important role in the creation of Oldelft company and had trained their original design staff. He was also a superb teher one of the old gentlemen of science. During and after the
© (1991) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Peter P. Clark and Carmina Londono "1990 International Lens Design Conference lens design problems: the design of a NonLens", Proc. SPIE 1354, 1990 Intl Lens Design Conf, (1 January 1991); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications and 4 patents.
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