Open Access Paper
12 November 2024 Research on monitoring technology of underground diaphragm wall construction of small and medium-sized circular shafts based on artificial intelligence
Yu Dong, Huan Xia, Jiangyu Hu
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Proceedings Volume 13395, International Conference on Optics, Electronics, and Communication Engineering (OECE 2024) ; 133953O (2024)
Event: International Conference on Optics, Electronics, and Communication Engineering, 2024, Wuhan, China
Circular shaft diaphragm walls are mostly circular, but the existing theories are mostly based on rectangular or planar structures, which lack support for the design and construction monitoring of circular shafts. In this paper, based on actual cases, the parameters such as water-soil pressure, wall strain and soil displacement behind the wall during the construction of circular shaft diaphragm walls are analyzed to explore their mechanical behavior and force characteristics. The results show that the circular vertical shaft diaphragm wall has unique mechanical behavior and force characteristics, which are different from the traditional theory. The earth pressure is maximum at the depth of 4 m, which is far more than the value of Rankine’s theory; the ground stacking load has a significant effect on the earth pressure; the wall strain and the soil displacement behind the wall are small, which shows a good self-stabilizing effect. The conclusions of this paper are of great significance to optimize the construction and improve the safety, and provide reference for similar projects.
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yu Dong, Huan Xia, and Jiangyu Hu "Research on monitoring technology of underground diaphragm wall construction of small and medium-sized circular shafts based on artificial intelligence", Proc. SPIE 13395, International Conference on Optics, Electronics, and Communication Engineering (OECE 2024) , 133953O (12 November 2024);
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Environmental monitoring

Soil science

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Artificial intelligence

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