The field transportable Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer system developed at Kansas State University
is now finishing the testing stage. The testing stage consisted of three parts: the measurements of (1) controlled
releases of volatile organic compounds (VOC), (2) uncontrolled VOC releases at well documented sites, and (3)
uncontrolled VOC releases at complex sites with little or no precharacterization1. Some measurements have been
acquired in all three categories with most of the data acquisition taking place in the first two categories, which are
discussed in these proceedings. These tests were developed to validate the qualitative and quantitative capabilities
while enhancing the versatility and detection limits of the spectrometer system.
The controlled VOC releases, for the most part, took place at the University of Kansas (KU). The KU tests utilized
a co-monitoring technique, evacuated stainless steel canisters followed by GC/FID analysis, during the acquisition of
the infrared data. The ability to monitor the concentrations of the released plume with another technique allowed for
the comparison and examination of how varying parameters can affect the infrared spectrometer technique. The
varying parameters that were addressed were wind, path length, temperature, barometric pressure, water and carbon
dioxide concentration, and air borne particulates.
One set of uncontrolled releases occurred at an active production facility. A list of the possible compounds that might
be observed from the facility directly due to production was obtained. Infrared measurements were acquired at two
different setup geometries down wind and one setup geometry up wind. The three path lengths were 390 meters, 500
meters, and 412 meters respectively. During these measurements two series of canister samples were obtained down
wind and one series of canister samples were obtained up wind. The analyses of these canisters, on-going at this
writing, is being performed by GC/FT-IR (matrix isolation). When the analysis from this method is complete the
results will be compared.
These two different data acquisitions have led to much insight into the capabilities of the spectrometer system and how
varying parameters can affect the FT-IR spectrometer's performance. Preliminary analysis of the spectroscopic data
from both data acquisitions will be discussed.