Open Access Paper
26 September 2024 Analysis on the impact of agricultural modernization development on environmental pollution in Xinjiang
Wanming Li, Yalin Chang, Yue Zhang
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 13279, Fifth International Conference on Green Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development (GEESD 2024) ; 1327930 (2024)
Event: Fifth International Conference on Green Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development, 2024, Mianyang, China
Xinjiang, as the core area connecting the trade between countries along the “Belt and Road”, has become the frontier position for China to develop the markets for agricultural and industrial products in Central Asia, South Asia and Eastern Europe. Xinjiang’s agricultural modernization is at the stage of exploration. is mainly reflected in the large use of petroleum-fueled fertilizers, pesticides and machinery in agricultural production. This model not only increases crop yield, but also brings a series of environmental problems, that is; while meeting the demand for yield and developing agricultural products market, it also brings prominent agro-ecological and environmental problems. Based on the relevant data of Xinjiang from 2000 to 2020, on the basis of constructing the empirical model between agricultural modernization and environmental pollution, Stata is used to test whether agricultural modernization has brought more environmental pollution, so as to provide more decision-making bases and policy suggestions for the construction of agricultural modernization. The results show that: using the amount of chemical fertilizer to describe the environmental pollution in Xinjiang is more representative, the improvement of the level of agricultural modernization has increased environmental pollution, economic development has a serious impact on environmental pollution, the industrial structure, technological progress and environmental pollution are negatively correlated, but the impact is not significant; accelerating the reform of the land system and adjusting the structure of the first, second, and third industries can make the future development of agricultural modernization tend to be ecological.



In the new era of “the Belt and Road” and slowing economic development, agricultural development in Xinjiang is facing new challenges and opportunities. In the 2023 Two Sessions, it was emphasized that the basic requirement for building a strong agricultural country is to achieve agricultural modernization, with the focus on promoting the industrialization of agriculture, accelerating the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas, and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. In 2024, the No. 1 Central Document proposed to build a modern rural industrial system that integrates agriculture, culture and tourism, and build agriculture into a modern big industry. In the face of “two markets” at home and abroad, the export volume of high-quality agricultural products bred by Xinjiang’s special natural endowments has increased significantly. However, the development of agricultural modernization has not only promoted the economic progress of Xinjiang, but also brought environmental pollution to a certain extent, so there are more requirements and high standards for the sustainable development of agricultural modernization in Xinjiang.

According to statistics, at the end of recent years, Xinjiang’s permanent population basically remained at about 25 million, but superior employment conditions and development opportunities have attracted a lot of migrants, resulting in an increase in population density in Xinjiang, which on the one hand drives Xinjiang’s new economic vitality and promotes economic development, and on the other hand also puts pressure on agricultural production and the environment. As can be seen from Figure 1, from 2010 to 2020, the agricultural development of Xinjiang is full of momentum, the cultivated land area and agricultural output value have increased significantly, and the economic growth is obvious. By the end of 2020, the agricultural output value has reached 375.4 billion yuan, an increase of 112% over 2010, accounting for 21% of the total GDP. The GDP output value was about 1,380 billion yuan, an increase of 157% over 2010, indicating that agricultural progress has significantly increased its role in promoting the economic development of the entire Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Figure 1.

The changing trends of population, cultivated land area, agricultural output value and GDP in Xinjiang from 2000 to 2020.


The expansion of cultivated land area in Xinjiang from 2000 to 2020 also increases the demand for fertilizer, pesticide and plastic film. As can be seen from Figure 2, the use of chemical fertilizer has the largest change, while the use of pesticide and plastic film have no wide fluctuation. By the end of 2020, the use of chemical fertilizer, pesticide and plastic film will be 2482271, 21800 and 238485T, respectively. Compared with 2000, the growth rates were 48.23%, 19.78% and 66.24%, respectively. It can be seen that with the development of agriculture in Xinjiang, the degree of environmental pollution is deepening day by day.

Figure 2.

The Changing trend of fertilizer, pesticide and plastic film use in Xinjiang from 2000 to 2020.


In short, the development of agricultural modernization in Xinjiang requires the continuous expansion of cultivated land area, and the increase of agricultural output value and population drives the economic development. In the process of development, the agricultural demand for fertilizers, pesticides and plastic film is increasing, so environmental pollution is inevitable.



Agricultural modernization is the way and means of the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, which has the characteristics of integrity, regionalism, dynamics and times. Some scholars summarized the evaluation index system of agricultural modernization development level by region and province, which laid the foundation for the subsequent evaluation of agricultural modernization development level1-9. As agriculture is limited by regional, climate and other resource endowments, its modernization degree is different in different regions, showing a decreasing trend from eastern, northeastern, central and western regions2. The healthy development of agricultural modernization can promote the informatization and industrialization of rural areas, thus promoting the construction of urbanization. The coordinated development of agricultural scale, mechanization, informatization and industrialization is the main factor to promote agricultural modernization and rural economic growth. In the short term, the development of agricultural modernization promoted rural urbanization, but urbanization did not effectively promote the development of agricultural modernization3-7. It is generally believed that agricultural modernization has an intensive and efficient production mode, which is conducive to the coordinated development of agriculture and environment. However, agricultural modernization does not reduce environmental pollution, but deteriorates environmental quality8. This study has certain significance on whether agricultural modernization development in Xinjiang has the same impact on environmental pollution.




Index selection and data source

Environmental pollution (Pollu) is expressed by the total amount of agricultural pollution and the intensity of agricultural pollution8. Xinjiang has a wide variety of agricultural products, excellent quality and high output, and the agricultural pollution sources mainly come from fertilizers, pesticides and plastic film The total amount of agricultural pollution is expressed in terms of Fertilizer use, Pesticide use and Plastic use, unit: t, used to analyze the relationship between agricultural modernization and environmental pollution Agricultural pollution intensity is measured in terms of fertilizer use per unit area, pesticide use per unit area, and plastic use per unit area, unit: t/hm2, used to test the robustness of the regression model.

Agricultural modernization. In combination with the agricultural sustainable development planning of the Ministry of Agriculture of China and the evaluation indicators of agricultural modernization in arid zone oasis9, and considering the special human and land resource endowment and the availability of data in Xinjiang, this paper summarizes 8 specific indicators to constitute the evaluation index system of Xinjiang’s agricultural modernization development level, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

Evaluation index system of Xinjiang agricultural modernization development level.

Variable nameunitVariable description
X1: The proportion of agricultural employment in social employment%The proportion of agricultural employees in the employment structure
X2: Total power of agricultural machinerykWDegree of agricultural mechanization in Xinjiang
X3: Number of agricultural technicianspersonIt represents scientific agricultural production technology
X4: Proportion of water-saving irrigation area in cultivated land area%It is used to reflect the degree of sustainable development of water conservancy construction and agriculture
X5: Rural per capita net incomeyuanIt is used to measure the income level of farmers
X6: Agricultural labor per capita GDPyuan/personValue added of primary industry/Number of persons employed in agriculture
X7: Agricultural output value per unit area of cultivated landyuan/hm2Agricultural output value/Crop acreage
X8: Per capita agricultural production of agricultural productstAgricultural products are expressed in terms of grain equivalent

Other control variables: Other factors contributing to environmental pollution include the level of economic development (GDP), industrial Structure (Structure), environmental protection investment (Envi_invest) and technological progress (Tech) in the region (Table 2). Economic development will inevitably have an impact on the environment, and environmental protection investment and technological investment will alleviate environmental pollution and contribute to sustainable agricultural development.

Table 2.

Other control variables of environmental pollution in Xinjiang.

Variable nameunitVariable description
Level of economic developmentTen thousand yuan/personExpressed in terms of GDP per capita
Industrial structure%Agricultural output value/GDP×100%
Environmental protection investment%Environmental investment/GDP×100%
Technological progressHundred million yuanExpressed in terms of technical market turnover

This study selected the data from 2000 to 2020 to study the relationship between agricultural modernization and environmental pollution in Xinjiang. The data comes from the National Bureau of Statistics, China Statistical Yearbook, Xinjiang Statistical Yearbook and China Rural Statistical Yearbook.


Agricultural modernization level measurement

Firstly, SPSSAU was used for factor analysis of agricultural modernization. According to the factor analysis metric given by Kaiser, KMO value was 0.719, indicating that each index was suitable for factor analysis. Based on the principle that the eigenvalue is greater than 1, two main factors are extracted, and the variance contribution rate is 64.656% and 13.343%, respectively, and the cumulative variance contribution rate is 77.999%. According to the factor load matrix information, F1 has a large load in X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7 and X8, and F2 has a large load in X1. By calculating the scores of each factor F1 and F2, and taking the contribution rate of variance/cumulative variance contribution rate of each factor as its weight, f1=0.647, f2=0.133, the formula for calculating the total score of agricultural Modernization development level is as follows: Agricultural modernization score=fF1+fF2, the calculation results are shown in Table 3.

Table 3.

Agricultural modernization factor scores and total scores.

YearF1F2Agricultural modernization score


Empirical analysis


Regression model setting.

In order to verify the impact of agricultural modernization on environmental pollution, a model between agricultural modernization and environmental pollution is constructed, and then stata linear regression is used to study. The model Settings are as follows:


As follows: Pollu is defined by Fertilizer use, Pesticide use and Plastic use, respectively; β0 is the regression constant. βi is the regression coefficient of each variable; ε1 is a random interference term. t is the year. If β1>0, there is a positive linear relationship between environmental pollution and agricultural modernization, that is, the higher the level of agricultural modernization, the more serious the environmental pollution; On the other hand, if β1<0, the development of agricultural modernization will reduce environmental pollution.


Results and analysis.

In this study, the amount of Fertilizer, pesticide and Plastic used as dependent variables were used to characterize environmental pollution. The fixed-effect model of panel data was used to test the influences of agricultural modernization, GDP, GDP2, industrial Structure, Envi_invest and technological progress on them, and was analyzed by Stata multiple linear regression, which were labeled as models (1), (2) and (3) respectively. The regression results of agricultural modernization and environmental pollution are shown in Table 4.

Table 4.

Test of the relationship between agricultural modernization and environmental pollution.

Independent variableModel 1 (chemical fertilizer)Model 2 (pesticide)Model 3 (plastic film)
Agricultural modernization0.3750.3850.487
Industrial structure-0.047-0.046-0.146
Environmental protectioninvestment0.1050.1590.189
Technological progress-0.070-0.228-0.055

Note: The coefficient is a standardized coefficient; The values in parentheses are T-values; The estimated coefficients in the table are compared for their significance at the level of 10%.

According to the regression results of models (1), (2) and (3), it can be seen that the elasticity coefficients of agricultural modernization, industrial structure, environmental protection investment and technological progress are all a number between 0 and 1, which accords with the concept of input-output elasticity. The coefficient of GDP in model (1) and (2) is 0.849 and 0.605 respectively, and the coefficient of GDP2 in model (3) is 0.545, indicating that Xinjiang’s economic development has brought a lot of environmental pollution. At the significance level of 5%, the F-test in all models passed.

From the results of regression estimation, the model fits well: The R2 values in the model were 0.988, 0.900, and 0.967, respectively, indicating that 98.8%, 90%, and 96.7% of the change in Fertilizer use, Pesticide use, and Plastic use could be analyzed by all the above explanatory variables. The R2 of model (1) is 0.988, indicating that it is more appropriate to describe the environmental pollution in Xinjiang by the amount of Fertilizer used, which is related to the mechanized large-scale fertilization in Xinjiang.

In all models, the estimated coefficient of agricultural modernization β1 is significantly positive, indicating that the development of agricultural modernization increases the degree of environmental pollution, that is, the higher the degree of agricultural modernization, the more environmental pollution. The higher the level of agricultural modernization, it will lead to land expansion, increase the output of agricultural products, but also increase the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc., which correspondingly increase the burden of land, especially heavy metal pollution of soil, aggravating environmental pollution10,11. For each unit increase in agricultural modernization, the use of plastic film, pesticide and fertilizer increased by 0.375, 0.385 and 0.487 units respectively, indicating that agricultural modernization has a relatively large impact on the use of plastic film and a relatively small impact on the use of fertilizer and pesticide. Pesticide is still an essential factor in Xinjiang’s agricultural production to reduce diseases and insect pests and increase crop yield, and the use of fertilizer and plastic film is a means to increase agricultural production. The increasing demand for agricultural products in cities and the increase in population density led to a corresponding increase in agricultural burden and greater environmental pollution12,13.

In order to describe other control variables simply and clearly, model (1) is used as the environmental pollution measurement model below. As can be seen from the regression results in Table 4, the estimated coefficient of GDP is 0.849, while that of GDP2 is -0.22, indicating that when other variables remain unchanged, the relationship between economic level and environmental pollution shows an inverted “U” shape, which is consistent with the hypothesis of Kuznetz curve, and Du et al. have also confirmed this conclusion8. The estimated coefficient of environmental investment is significantly positive, indicating that the increase of government investment in environmental governance has increased pollution, which may be because environmental investment data generally measure the pollution control of urban infrastructure and industry, while this paper discusses agricultural pollution. The estimated coefficient of technological progress is negative, indicating that the higher the technological level, the more able to reduce environmental pollution. The development of agriculture in Xinjiang has driven economic development, which is conducive to technological innovation, and technological change is conducive to improving resource utilization efficiency, reducing resource waste and pollution emission, and reducing pollution. The estimated coefficient of industrial structure is not significant.


Robustness test

In order to verify the robustness of the regression result, environmental pollution is now represented as Per_fertilizer, Per_pesticide and Per_plastic per unit area, which is incorporated into the measurement model in Section 2.2.2. The regression results (Table 5) are basically consistent with Table 4, indicating that the research results are robust.

Table 5.

Test of the relationship between agricultural modernization and environmental pollution.

Independent variableModel 1 (chemical fertilizer)Model 2 (pesticide)Model 3 (plastic film)
Agricultural modernization0.0440.0000.005
Industrial structure-0.006-0.000-0.001
Environmental protectioninvestment0.0120.0000.002
Technological progress-0.003-0.000-0.000

Note: The coefficient is a standardized coefficient; The values in parentheses are T-values; The estimated coefficients in the table are compared for their significance at the level of 10%.



Under the background of slowing economic development, Xinjiang’s agricultural development is facing new challenges and opportunities. The No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2024 proposes to build a modern rural industrial system that integrates agriculture, culture and tourism, and build agriculture into a modern big industry. However, the development of agricultural modernization has not only promoted the economic development of Xinjiang, but also caused environmental pollution to a certain extent. In this study, the amount of fertilizer, pesticide and plastic film used in Xinjiang from 2000 to 2020 was used to characterize environmental pollution, and the impact of agricultural modernization and other control variables (economic development level, industrial structure, environmental protection investment and technological progress) on environmental pollution was studied. The results show that the use of chemical fertilizer is more representative to represent environmental pollution, the improvement of agricultural modernization has aggravated environmental pollution, economic development has a serious impact on environmental pollution, and the impact of industrial structure and technological progress on the environment is negative, but not obvious.

According to the classification criteria of agricultural modernization development level, Xinjiang is in the preparatory stage of agricultural modernization at this stage, and compared with large agricultural provinces, the overall development level and impetus are still insufficient. Xinjiang is rich in grain, vegetables, fruits and other agricultural products. While the supply of agricultural products increases, the use of fertilizers, pesticides and plastic film also increases, which far exceeds the “self-repair” ability of the agricultural land system, and the accumulation of “entropy” value of the system causes serious environmental pollution. Therefore, the following suggestions are put forward.

  • (1) Accelerating the reform of the land system and achieve large-scale management. In Xinjiang, the land transfer rate is not high and the scale effect is not obvious. The effective way to achieve scale effect is to separate ownership and management right and encourage land transfer based on the experience of China’s major grain producing provinces and foreign agricultural developed countries. On the one hand, scale management is beneficial to improve the enthusiasm of farmers, eliminate the institutional risk of land investment, and overcome the short-term behavior of farmers, it also helps to improve the efficiency of resource utilization. On the other hand, it is conducive to the rational use and moderate concentration of land, and promotes the mechanization of agricultural production and the improvement of agricultural technology. The progress of agricultural technology is conducive to changing the traditional extensive management mode and reducing the pollutant emission in the process of agricultural production

  • (2) Accelerating industrial restructuring and optimizing the allocation of agricultural labor force. It is also an important prerequisite for agricultural modernization to adjust industrial layout, accelerate the transfer of agricultural labor to nonagricultural industries, and increase the proportion of agricultural labor in the total number of social employment. By the end of 2020, the ratio of output value of the three industries in Xinjiang is 14.4:34.4:51.2, and the ratio of employment is 33.9:14.1:52, indicating that the secondary and tertiary industries play a significant role in promoting the economic development of Xinjiang, and more than half of the labor force is concentrated in the tertiary industry. However, 33.9% of the labor force is concentrated in the primary industry, which is not highly productive. Relying on the adjustment of industrial structure and the development of rural industrialization and urbanization, the transfer of agricultural labor force can be accelerated.

  • (3) Promoting the progress of agricultural science and technology, and accelerate the transformation and application of modern agricultural technology and green technology. The development of agricultural modernization cannot be separated from the guidance of science and technology, and the investment in agricultural technology and science and technology in Xinjiang is on the rise. First of all, It is necessary to increase the investment channels for agricultural science and technology, and the government departments and relevant functional departments should increase the financial support for agricultural science and technology; Secondly, it is necessary to increase the investment in basic research of agricultural science and technology, and socialize the system of agricultural science and technology development and technology popularization, so that the agricultural science and technology popularization system will gradually form a diversified system with enterprises, professional associations, professional cooperatives and various industrialization organizations as the main body. Finally, All localities need to strictly implement the national “fertilizer reduction, pesticide restriction” green development system, and formulate corresponding reward and punishment measures.

  • (4) Strengthening the construction of agricultural market system and industrialization organization. In order to further coordinate the contradiction between small production and large market, Xinjiang should actively carry out agricultural socialization services, establish and improve the various production links of agricultural professional service institutions, including production, circulation, sales, and scientific and technological development. We will vigorously develop agricultural market organizations, strengthen market consultation and services on funds, business models, information, technology, management methods and other aspects of agricultural production and circulation, and make agriculture adapt to the market environment. The integration of Xinjiang’s economic development into a unified market economy also requires the removal of various natural and artificial economic and administrative market barriers.

  • (5) Attaching importance to farmer education and cultivate new types of agricultural business entities. The quality of laborers is an important factor in the development of agricultural modernization. With the rapid development of agricultural science and technology, it is urgent for agricultural operators to master relevant agricultural production technologies. On the basis of voluntarily, equality and mutual benefit, farmers should be encouraged and supported to establish professional cooperative economic organizations with various forms of self-management, self-service and selfdevelopment. By vigorously promoting specialized division of labor, large-scale production and industrial management, enterprises actively develop agricultural industrial clusters to improve the level of organization, intensification and modernization of agriculture, and enhance the competitiveness of agriculture. Through the application of specialized knowledge mastered by the new agricultural management subjects, the land is rationalized and the pesticides, fertilizers and other products are reduced, so that the land has time to cultivate and grow.



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(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Wanming Li, Yalin Chang, and Yue Zhang "Analysis on the impact of agricultural modernization development on environmental pollution in Xinjiang", Proc. SPIE 13279, Fifth International Conference on Green Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development (GEESD 2024) , 1327930 (26 September 2024);
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