22 November 2024 Preprocessing and improving the quality of thermal images
Aleksandr Zelensky, Adrey Gribkov, Yuriy Ilyukhin, Evgenii Semenishchev, Olga Tokareva, Mikhail Khar’kov, Marina Zhdanova
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The work examines the problem of improving the quality of data obtained in the IR range, their primary processing for possible analysis by the operator. To perform these operations, the work considers an approach based on the use of a group of methods that are unified for a wide range of tasks and, as a consequence, allow processing on computationally simple devices. We also propose iterative primary processing algorithms based on the multi-criteria smoothing method and the extraction of local features on two-dimensional data. The estimated number of elementary operations required for its implementation is shown, processing examples are given, parameters and errors are errors. An algorithm for localizing closed areas according to the temperature threshold class is presented. An algorithm has been developed for parallel analysis of streaming information from a pair of IR sensors that generate data in different ranges. An approach to parallel data extraction and the formation of a new information field with combined data is considered. Using the example of field test data, the results of improving their quality and examples of the formation of combined IR data are shown.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Aleksandr Zelensky, Adrey Gribkov, Yuriy Ilyukhin, Evgenii Semenishchev, Olga Tokareva, Mikhail Khar’kov, and Marina Zhdanova "Preprocessing and improving the quality of thermal images", Proc. SPIE 13239, Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology XI, 1323926 (22 November 2024);
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Computing systems

Data processing

Image quality

Algorithm development

Signal processing


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