Poster + Paper
27 August 2024 The PRIME camera: results and performance after continuous observations
Joseph Durbak, Alexander Kutyrev, Takahiro Sumi, Giuseppe Cataldo, Dale Fixsen, Orion Guiffreda, Yuki Hirao, Gennadiy Lotkin, Eric Lyness, Steve Maher, Shota Miyazaki, Greg Mosby, Samuel Moseley, Elmer Sharp, Daisuke Suzuki
Author Affiliations +
Conference Poster
The PRime-focus Infrared Microlensing Experiments (PRIME) camera is part of the joint NASA-JAXA project supporting the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope engineering and science studies. It is installed on the 1.8m PRIME telescope with a ≈1.5 square degree FOV dedicated to the project. The instrument is equipped with multiple broad band and narrow band filters between 0.9μm to 1.8μm. The instrument is installed at the South African Astronomical Observatory and has been in continuous operation since October 2022. PRIME is currently surveying the Galactic bulge for microlensing events, GW and GRB studies and other science objectives, in advance of the Roman Space Telescope (RST) mission. After 1.5 years of on-sky operation, we present the use, performance and lessons learned operating RST’s yield demonstration lot H4RG-10 detectors as part of the PRIME camera based on the data processing and analysis tools that we have developed. With the large field of view in the near infrared bands this instrument is a powerful tool in the Southern hemisphere and a compliment to the instruments in the North and in the visible.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Joseph Durbak, Alexander Kutyrev, Takahiro Sumi, Giuseppe Cataldo, Dale Fixsen, Orion Guiffreda, Yuki Hirao, Gennadiy Lotkin, Eric Lyness, Steve Maher, Shota Miyazaki, Greg Mosby, Samuel Moseley, Elmer Sharp, and Daisuke Suzuki "The PRIME camera: results and performance after continuous observations", Proc. SPIE 13103, X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy XI, 1310327 (27 August 2024);
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