MICADO SCAO RTC hard real-time capabilities are provided by COSMIC, while the soft real-time features rely on the ESO RTC Toolkit. The RTC has actively begun the MAIT phase. For this purpose, a full-scale setup has been assembled to start the integration of the S-RTC and H-RTC. The setup is used with an additional simulation node running either COMPASS or ESO WFS simulator, allowing to validate the various implementations of the RTC in terms of AO performance and latency requirements. On top of that, an instance of the RTC has been deployed on the SESAME bench at LESIA. This paper will present the MICADO SCAO RTC architecture after final design review, the design choices and the current status of the MAIT activities related to the RTC. It will provide an overview of the H-RTC pipeline design, including performance benchmark and validation through simulation mode and on-bench results. It will also picture the current status of the RTC Toolkit integration activities for the S-RTC on multi-nodes cluster including the first implementation of telemetry consumption, data tasks, data storage, data visualization, H-RTC optimization and automation mechanisms.