The University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory (TAO) is a project to build and operate a 6.5m telescope at the summit of Co. Chajnantor (5640 m.a.s.l). This is promoted by the Institute of Astronomy, School of Science, the University of Tokyo in collaboration with many institutes and universities in Japan and Chile. The site construction started in 2018 and was successfully completed by April 2024. An operation support building and an enclosure have already been constructed and are operational at the summit. Electricity is supplied by two generators installed in the operations building. The telescope mount and mirrors have already completed their tests in Japan and the U.S., respectively. They were transported to Chile and wait for the assembly. The first light instruments, NICE and MIMIZUKU, are undergoing final adjustment in Japan and will be transported to Chile as the telescope assembly progresses. The near-infrared instrument SWIMS has completed its open use on the Subaru telescope and returned back to Japan in Aug. 2023 for upgrading for TAO. The near-infrared spectrograph TARdYS, which is being developed in collaboration with Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, is also making progress in the development of its optics and detectors. In addition to these, the development of a new optical instrument has been started this year. Allocation of the observing time was also determined. TAO will use approximately 45% of its scientific observation time as project time, 35% as Japan open time for the Japanese community, and 10% as Chilean time for the Chilean community. 5-15% will be provided as paid observing time.