Presentation + Paper
17 June 2024 First order solution generation for reflective dual-conjugate zoom systems
Doran S. Teverovsky, Kendall A Smith, Julie L. Bentley
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Adaptive optics (AO) ophthalmoscopy is a powerful technique for imaging retinas of living subjects at single-cell resolution. Traditional AO ophthalmoscopes use a fixed exit pupil diameter which is matched to the ocular pupil of a subject. A more efficient ophthalmoscope would allow for a variable exit pupil size to match the variable ocular pupil size of a subject. One method to achieve this is an optical zoom system. To make a zoom system appropriate for use in adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy it must be simultaneously well-corrected for both the field conjugate and the pupil conjugate such that the aberration correction can be successfully applied. The system must also be made of reflective optics to minimize chromatic aberration and spurious back reflections propagating through the system. Both these factors make for an extremely novel zoom system that requires new tools and methods to be developed in order to realize successful designs. We present here our work developing a new first-order starting point generator which creates valid first-order solutions that satisfy all the constraints of the system. We then show our techniques for modeling and optimizing the simultaneous conjugates of the system throughout the process of unobscuring the system. We find that to achieve the selected specifications that freeform optics must be introduced to the system to correct residual errors created during the unobscuring process.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Doran S. Teverovsky, Kendall A Smith, and Julie L. Bentley "First order solution generation for reflective dual-conjugate zoom systems", Proc. SPIE 13019, Optical Design and Engineering IX, 130191Q (17 June 2024);
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Zoom lenses



Monochromatic aberrations

Adaptive optics

Imaging systems

Wavefront errors


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