Augmented reality (AR) has seen increased interest and attention for its application in surgical procedures. AR-guided surgical systems can overlay segmented anatomy from pre-operative imaging onto the user’s environment to delineate hard-to-see structures and subsurface lesions intraoperatively. While previous works have utilized pre-operative imaging such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance images, registration methods still lack the ability to accurately register deformable anatomical structures without fiducial markers across modalities and dimensionalities. This is especially true of minimally invasive abdominal surgical techniques, which often employ a monocular laparoscope, due to inherent limitations. Surgical scene reconstruction is a critical component towards accurate registrations needed for AR-guided surgery and other downstream AR applications such as remote assistance or surgical simulation. In this work, we utilize a state-of-the-art (SOTA) deep-learning-based visual simultaneous localization and mapping (vSLAM) algorithm to generate a dense 3D reconstruction with camera pose estimations and depth maps from video obtained with a monocular laparoscope. The proposed method can robustly reconstruct surgical scenes using real-time data and provide camera pose estimations without stereo or additional sensors, which increases its usability and is less intrusive. We also demonstrate a framework to evaluate current vSLAM algorithms on non-Lambertian, low-texture surfaces and explore using its outputs on downstream tasks. We expect these evaluation methods can be utilized for the continual refinement of newer algorithms for AR-guided surgery.