16 June 2023 Application of intermediate bearing failure diagnosis based on computational order analysis
Xuan Zhou, Mingfu Liao, Simeng OuYang, Jiangbo Huang
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Proceedings Volume 12703, Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication, and Devices (ICCD 2023); 1270311 (2023)
Event: Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication, and Devices (ICCD 2023), 2023, Hong Kong, China
Aiming at the difficulty in extracting the failure characteristics order of aero-engine intermediate bearing under variable speed conditions, an order tracking algorithm is proposed for a failure diagnosis method of intermediate bearing. This method combines the order of cubic spline interpolation and the ordering algorithm of uniform acceleration to solve the correlative function between the rotating angle of the inside and outside rings of intermediate bearing and time. By the relationship between the rotating angle and time of the inside and outside rings the instantaneous change rate of the rotating angle difference between the inside and outside rings with time is solved. The rotating angle difference sampling frequency is determined. Resample the vibration signal and perform Fourier transform on the resampled signal to extract the failure characteristics order of the intermediate bearing under variable conditions. Verification of the algorithm is shown by the failure simulation signal of the intermediate bearing. The results indicate that the algorithm is very effective for failure characteristics extraction and failure diagnosis of intermediate bearing under variable speed conditions.
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Xuan Zhou, Mingfu Liao, Simeng OuYang, and Jiangbo Huang "Application of intermediate bearing failure diagnosis based on computational order analysis", Proc. SPIE 12703, Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication, and Devices (ICCD 2023), 1270311 (16 June 2023);
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Failure analysis


Detection and tracking algorithms

Signal processing


Sampling rates

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