Poster + Paper
28 September 2023 Remote monitoring of vital signs in older adults for prevention of cognitive decline
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Conference Poster
Nowadays the prevention of dementia is a challenge for humanity. There are some preventive intervention programs for dementia, which are mainly based in the modification of multicomponent lifestyles such as: physical and cognitive activity, weight control, metabolic-comorbidity control and social support. Recently, Mind and Movement Program to have Cognitive Health is a collaborative methodological proposal between the countries Mexico, Japan and Canada, which consists of three components: aerobic exercise; aerobic and cognitive exercises, as well as a motivation program. For performing aerobic and cognitive exercises, the monitoring of vital signs in real time is necessary through a statistical analysis of the data of each patient, in such a way that the doctor knows the state of health of the patient. As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the original program to acquire experimental data underwent modifications. Since the older adults were isolated, they were required to do their physical exercises at home, implementing a remote monitoring system based on a wearable smart band, which was properly developed to monitor the vital signs for each patient. Hence, a personalized quantification of the oxygen saturation and cardiac pressure based on light sensors and pressure sensors, respectively, was measured and monitored in real time. On the other hand, predefined programming based on Artificial intelligence, provides certain advantages for easy handling by the older adults. Currently, we are working along with a hospital, where doctors involved in the program are testing the prototype for the validation of the wearable smart bands.
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Arcelia Bernal Díaz, Rosalinda Sánchez Arenas, Miguel González Martínez, Ryosuke Shigematsu, Maximino Avendaño Alejo, Francisco Adrian Rodriguez Espitia, Diego Rolando González Álvarez, and Brian Alberto Venegas Rayon "Remote monitoring of vital signs in older adults for prevention of cognitive decline", Proc. SPIE 12661, Organic and Hybrid Sensors and Bioelectronics XVI, 1266109 (28 September 2023);
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Vital signs

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