12 April 2023 Research on a new integrated autonomous tracking mode supporting multi-mode and multi-task
Zili Tang, Haiying Wu, Zengbo Jiang, Hao Lei
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Proceedings Volume 12565, Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, Terahertz Waves and Applications (IMT2022); 125653O (2023)
Event: Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, Terahertz Waves and Applications (IMT2022), 2022, Shanghai, China
In key combat links such as exterior ballistic parameter measurement, target recognition, early warning, attack and defense, there are many problems urgent to be solved. Here it is difficult to track autonomously, tracking performance can't be quantitatively evaluated in depth, tracking module solidification program is difficult to optimize and upgrade, prior tracking simulation means are lacking, and platform loading verification is difficult, etc.. In this work, a new integrated autonomous tracking mode with prior simulation, simulation tracking, performance evaluation, learning and training and iterative optimization is proposed. A full-link closed-loop imaging tracking simulation, training and verification platform for target is built, which integrates the background, interference, atmosphere, imaging, tracking and evaluation. With this scheme, the target scene can be simulated, the detectors can be selected, the algorithm model can be expanded, and the tracking strategy can be optimized, which improves the ability of autonomous decision-making and tracking for diversified tasks.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Zili Tang, Haiying Wu, Zengbo Jiang, and Hao Lei "Research on a new integrated autonomous tracking mode supporting multi-mode and multi-task", Proc. SPIE 12565, Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, Terahertz Waves and Applications (IMT2022), 125653O (12 April 2023);
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Imaging systems

Detection and tracking algorithms

Data modeling

Optical tracking

Target recognition

Computer simulations

Target detection

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