27 July 2023 Cell tower detection in the VIS, SWIR, and LWIR bands
Richard Cavanaugh, Emily Chau, Patrick Leslie, Lindsey Wiley, Eddie L. Jacobs, Kyle Renshaw, Ronald Driggers, Joseph K. Conroy
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In a GPS-denied environment, distinct structures such as cell towers and transmission towers are useful as an aid to vision-based navigation. Cell towers are surveyed such that their locations are well-known, and the imagery of these towers can be compared to imagery databases to assist in navigation. In this research, imagery of the cell towers was taken in the VIS, SWIR, and LWIR bands with both clear sky and portions of the ground in the background. The contrast of the cell towers in the two reflective bands was determined against the sky and the ground in terms of equivalent reflectivity. The contrast of the cell towers was also determined in the LWIR in terms of equivalent blackbody temperature. The analysis of contrast is provided, the results are discussed, and recommendations on band use is provided for use in 3D map image comparisons.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Richard Cavanaugh, Emily Chau, Patrick Leslie, Lindsey Wiley, Eddie L. Jacobs, Kyle Renshaw, Ronald Driggers, and Joseph K. Conroy "Cell tower detection in the VIS, SWIR, and LWIR bands", Proc. SPIE 12533, Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XXXIV, 125330C (27 July 2023);
Short wave infrared radiation




Vision-based navigation

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