From the point of view of satellite monitoring, construction objects include fixed objects of artificial origin (buildings and structures for various purposes), created from building materials and lying directly on the earth's surface. Someone can conditionally divide the life cycle of a construction object into initial, main and final stages. From the point of view of satellite, ground, aerial photography it is possible to distinguish building objects at the initial, main and final stages from each other. In this case, not all initial stages are exposed to the images, and additional conditions are required to distinguish the final stages in the images (the same applies to the main stages). We can produce the current stage of the life cycle of a building object for various reasons. The paper considers some features of deciphering construction objects at the initial and final stages of their life cycle, primarily in an emergency and abandoned state. Relevant types of construction objects are identified, the structure of decoding signs is determined, and decoding areas are established, we derive the signs themselves for different construction objects. An experiment on the detection of abandoned construction sites on several databases is given.