8 March 2023 Q-switched Ho3+:YAG Porro resonators with improved alignment stability
Katharina Goth, Michael Griesbeck, Madeleine Eitner, Marc Eichhorn, Christelle Kieleck
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We present a crossed-Porro prism resonator with a Ho3+:YAG crystal and investigate it with a focus on the alignment stability. Furthermore, we show a single-Porro-ended resonator optimized for Q-switched operation. Both resonators are compared to corresponding mirror resonators. In the crossed-Porro prism resonator, a maximum output power of 30.7 W is reached with a high slope efficiency of 67.4 %. By tilting each of the prism axes one by one and measuring the entailed drop in output power, the alignment sensitivity is determined. In comparison to a corresponding mirror resonator, it is improved by a factor of up to 200. With this design, 170 ns Q-switched pulses with an energy of 0.51 mJ are generated at a repetition rate of 50 kHz. In the single-Porroended resonator significantly shorter pulses with a duration of 55 ns and a maximum pulse energy of 0.8 mJ were achieved.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Katharina Goth, Michael Griesbeck, Madeleine Eitner, Marc Eichhorn, and Christelle Kieleck "Q-switched Ho3+:YAG Porro resonators with improved alignment stability", Proc. SPIE 12399, Solid State Lasers XXXII: Technology and Devices, 1239909 (8 March 2023);
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Laser resonators

Q switching



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Intracavity, common resonator, Nd:YAG pumped KTP OPO
Proceedings of SPIE (October 24 2012)
Clementine: diode-pumped laser qualification
Proceedings of SPIE (April 10 1995)

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