Presentation + Paper
26 August 2022 High spectral-resolution interferometry down to one micron with Asgard/BIFROST at VLTI: science drivers and project overview
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We present science cases and instrument design considerations for the BIFROST instrument that will open the short-wavelength (Y/J/H-band), high spectral dispersion (up to R=25,000) window for the VLT Interferometer. BIFROST will be part of the Asgard Suite of instruments and unlock powerful venues for studying accretion & mass-loss processes at the early/late stages of stellar evolution, for detecting accreting protoplanets around young stars, and for probing the spin-orbit alignment in directly-imaged planetary systems and multiple star systems. Our survey on GAIA binaries aims to provide masses and precision ages for a thousand stars, providing a legacy data set for improving stellar evolutionary models as well as for Galactic Archaeology. BIFROST will enable off-axis spectroscopy of exoplanets in the 0.025-1" separation range, enabling high-SNR, high spectral resolution follow-up of exoplanets detected with ELT and JWST. We give an update on the status of the project, outline our key technology choices, and discuss synergies with other instruments in the proposed Asgard Suite of instruments.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Stefan Kraus, Daniel Mortimer, Sorabh Chhabra, Yi Lu, Isabelle Codron, Tyler Gardner, Narsireddy Anugu, John D. Monnier, Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin, Michael Ireland, Frantz Martinache, Denis Defrère, and Marc-Antoine Martinod "High spectral-resolution interferometry down to one micron with Asgard/BIFROST at VLTI: science drivers and project overview", Proc. SPIE 12183, Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VIII, 121831S (26 August 2022);
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Spectral resolution



Astronomical interferometry

Astronomical spectroscopy

Infrared detectors


Commissioning MATISSE: first results
Proceedings of SPIE (July 09 2018)
The Antarctic planet interferometer
Proceedings of SPIE (October 20 2004)

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