13 July 2021 Progress towards a neutral atom quantum computer
Jonathan King
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Ultracold neutral atoms have emerged as a promising platform for scalable quantum computation. Universal single-qubit control requires high quality state preparation, spatially resolved manipulation, and projective readout of each qubit. For state preparation and readout, neutral atom platforms can apply techniques commonly used in quantum gas microscopes and single atom trapping machines. Furthermore, the ability to isolate the internal spin states of individual neutral atoms from both external fields and neighboring atoms allows for seconds-scale coherence times. Here, we will present progress on the coherent, site-resolved control of an array of atomic qubits comprised of neutral strontium atoms.
Conference Presentation
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jonathan King "Progress towards a neutral atom quantum computer", Proc. SPIE 11844, Photonics for Quantum 2021, 118440C (13 July 2021);
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