Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) system is a part of new accelerator complex (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility - NICA) located in Dubna, Russia. MPD to meet all functionalities and requirements needs designed another trigger system. That trigger system has two main task: first, responsibility for off-beam calibration of MPD subdetectors and second, identification and rejection of cosmic ray particles. Additionally, the system can be also used to observe cosmic showers initiated by high energy primary particles. To define in details requirements of the MPD Cosmic Ray Detector (MCORD), the consortium NICA-PL has been formed. In the consortium participate many polish scientific institutions. This paper presents an electronic readout system for the MCORD project. It briefly describes the data path of the signals and all signal processing subsystems: scintillators equipped with SiPM (Silicon Photo Multipliers) detector, AnalogFront End (AFE), HUB, and MTCA processing system.