As a result of long-term (more than 15 years) expedition measurements in various climatic conditions and regions with a mountain and flat surface, we have accumulated an extensive experimental database of surface characteristics of atmospheric turbulence. Our measurements were carried out in the Baikal astrophysical Observatory, Sayan Solar Observatory, in the mountains of Kolyvanskiy Ridge, in the Tomsk region. We have previously found theoretically and experimentally that in the presence of coherent turbulence, the effect of attenuation of phase and amplitude fluctuations of light radiation is observed. At the same time, the weakening of phase fluctuations is manifested in a significant decrease in the jitter of astronomical images. This improves the quality of astronomical images. We believe that the main reason for the presence of intermittency of turbulence in the atmosphere is the restructuring (transition) from Kolmogorov’s to other types (including coherent) turbulence.