15 March 2019 Tapered fiber optic devices with liquid crystal cladding
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Proceedings Volume 11045, Optical Fibers and Their Applications 2018; 110450E (2019)
Event: 18th Conference on Optical Fibers and Their Applications, 2018, Naleczow, Poland
The paper presents the results of manufacturing and characterization of a broad band in-line hybrid device using a nematic liquid crystal as an active cladding for biconical tapered optical fiber. Two different liquid crystal mixtures denoted as 1550* and E7 were used for electric and temperature control in a broad wavelength range. An optical fiber tapers with a waist of 10±0.5 μm and losses lower than 0.5 dB in a whole broad band spectrum range were applied. Such taper waist diameter makes the whole waist as core for light propagation, where the surrounding air becomes the cladding. Additionally, such diameter enables an effective control of molecules orientation. Performance of a tuned cladding was studied in an electric field in the range between 0 V and 160 V in the room temperature equal to 20 °C. Influence of induced liquid crystal molecules reorientation was measured at a broad wavelength range (500-1700 nm).
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mariusz Florek, Karol A. Stasiewicz, Joanna Korec, Joanna E. Moś, Olga Strzeżysz, Katarzyna Garbat, and Leszek R. Jaroszewicz "Tapered fiber optic devices with liquid crystal cladding", Proc. SPIE 11045, Optical Fibers and Their Applications 2018, 110450E (15 March 2019);
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Liquid crystals


Optical fibers


Refractive index

Chemical elements

Fiber optics

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