Proper thin film transistor (TFT) operation requires that its contact resistance Rc remains only a fraction of its channel resistance Rch. The integration of thin films based on latest generation organic semiconductors into downscaled TFTs with short channel length and high capacitance dielectric results in devices with very low Rch. Matching this with a low enough Rc is very challenging, due to the notoriously poor charge injection into organic semiconductors. The viability of integrated circuit technologies based on organic TFTs hinges on solving this critical contact resistance issue.
To properly address this, it is important to use a common metric based on simple, comparable contact resistance measurements. Rc is commonly measured using the Transfer Length Method (TLM) that involves the characterization of TFTs of different channel lengths in the linear regime. We find, however, that the precision and the absolute value of the extracted Rc is greatly influenced by the conditions used to characterize each TFT. This seriously complicates the comparison to other literature values. In this talk, we present an in-depth study of the TLM technique aimed at solving these particular problems.
Our TLM structures are based on high mobility organic TFTs, fabricated with different technologies and topologies. We conduct a systematic comparison of voltage- and current-controlled measurements with constant lateral electric field and charge density. As a result, we delineate the conditions to conduct TLM characterization and data treatment for clean Rc extraction. We also identify the measurement parameters that count in establishing a good Rc benchmark.