13 April 2018 Drawing a baseline in aesthetic quality assessment
Fernando Rubio, M. Julia Flores, Jose M. Puerta
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Proceedings Volume 10696, Tenth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2017); 106961M (2018)
Event: Tenth International Conference on Machine Vision, 2017, Vienna, Austria
Aesthetic classification of images is an inherently subjective task. There does not exist a validated collection of images/photographs labeled as having good or bad quality from experts. Nowadays, the closest approximation to that is to use databases of photos where a group of users rate each image. Hence, there is not a unique good/bad label but a rating distribution given by users voting. Due to this peculiarity, it is not possible to state the problem of binary aesthetic supervised classification in such a direct mode as other Computer Vision tasks. Recent literature follows an approach where researchers utilize the average rates from the users for each image, and they establish an arbitrary threshold to determine their class or label. In this way, images above the threshold are considered of good quality, while images below the threshold are seen as bad quality. This paper analyzes current literature, and it reviews those attributes able to represent an image, differentiating into three families: specific, general and deep features. Among those which have been proved more competitive, we have selected a representative subset, being our main goal to establish a clear experimental framework. Finally, once features were selected, we have used them for the full AVA dataset. We have to remark that to perform validation we report not only accuracy values, which is not that informative in this case, but also, metrics able to evaluate classification power within imbalanced datasets. We have conducted a series of experiments so that distinct well-known classifiers are learned from data. Like that, this paper provides what we could consider valuable and valid baseline results for the given problem.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Fernando Rubio, M. Julia Flores, and Jose M. Puerta "Drawing a baseline in aesthetic quality assessment", Proc. SPIE 10696, Tenth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2017), 106961M (13 April 2018);
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Computer vision technology

Machine vision

Data modeling


Visual process modeling

Feature extraction

Image quality


Model recommendation for pedestrian detection
Proceedings of SPIE (August 29 2016)

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