31 July 2018 Curved CMOS sensor: characterization of the first fully functional prototype
Simona Lombardo, Thibault Behaghel, Bertrand Chambion, Wilfried Jahn, Emmanuel Hugot, Eduard Muslimov, Melanie Roulet, Marc Ferrari, Christophe Gaschet, David Henry, Stéphane Caplet
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Many are the optical designs that generate curved focal planes for which field flattener must be implemented. This generally implies the use of more optical elements and a consequent loss of throughput and performances. With the recent development of curved sensor this can be avoided. This new technology has been gathering more and more attention from a very broad community, as the potential applications are multiple: from low-cost commercial to high impact scientific systems, to mass-market and on board cameras, defense and security, and astronomical community.

We describe here the first concave curved CMOS detector developed within a collaboration between CNRS-LAM and CEA-LETI. This fully-functional detector 20Mpix (CMOSIS CMV20000) has been curved down to a radius of Rc =150mm over a size of 24x32mm2. We present here the methodology adopted for its characterization and describe in detail all the results obtained. We also discuss the main components of noise, such as the readout noise, the fixed pattern noise and the dark current. Finally we provide a comparison with the at version of the same sensor in order to establish the impact of the curving process on the main characteristics of the sensor.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Simona Lombardo, Thibault Behaghel, Bertrand Chambion, Wilfried Jahn, Emmanuel Hugot, Eduard Muslimov, Melanie Roulet, Marc Ferrari, Christophe Gaschet, David Henry, and Stéphane Caplet "Curved CMOS sensor: characterization of the first fully functional prototype", Proc. SPIE 10679, Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Imaging Applications V, 1067910 (31 July 2018); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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CMOS sensors



Temperature metrology

Detector development

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