Presentation + Paper
22 February 2018 Talbot coupling of an array of quantum cascade lasers
F. Grillot, A. Gavrielides, O. Spitz, T. C. Newell, M. Carras
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Quantum cascade lasers (QCL) are semiconductor lasers based on ultrafast intersubband transitions with picosecond timescale that have become the most suitable laser sources from the mid-infrared to the THz range, due to their compactness, efficiency and high room temperature performances. In particular, high-power QCLs are powerful sources for optical countermeasures, including night vision blinding and missile out steering. This work investigates the nonlinear dynamical features of coupling of linear arrays of emitters in the so-called Talbot configuration for phase-locking operation using broad area emitters. These initial results are of paramount importance for creating future bright infrared sources with Watt-level power.
Conference Presentation
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
F. Grillot, A. Gavrielides, O. Spitz, T. C. Newell, and M. Carras "Talbot coupling of an array of quantum cascade lasers", Proc. SPIE 10540, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XV, 105401M (22 February 2018);
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Quantum cascade lasers

Mode locking

Semiconductor lasers

High power lasers


Night vision


Phase locking of 2D structures
Proceedings of SPIE (September 14 1998)
Interband cascade distributed-feedback lasers
Proceedings of SPIE (February 02 2007)

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