30 November 2017 Microphysical changes in the aerosol component of the gas-disperse mixture of near-ground air under the exposure to ultraviolet radiation (DRT-1000 lamp)
R. F. Rakhimov, V. P. Shmargunov, E. P. Yausheva
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Proceedings Volume 10466, 23rd International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics; 104662P (2017)
Event: XXIII International Symposium, Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric Physics, 2017, Irkutsk, Russian Federation
A gas-disperse mixture sampled from the near-ground atmosphere into a closed volume (1800 m3) of the Big Aerosol Chamber (BAC) was subjected to long irradiation by an ultraviolet lamp (DRT-1000). As a result of irradiation, the increased concentration of ozone was formed in BAC and the fine fraction of aerosol particles with the size r < 80 nm was intensely generated. In the course of the experiment, a spectronephelometer measured current values of the polarization components of the directed scattering coefficient β⊥,||i, θj). The time series of β⊥,||i, θj, tk) measured by the polarization nephelometer at four wavelengths λi = 455, 525, 585, 630 nm and five scattering angles θ j= 15, 45, 110, 135, 165° were used for numerical solution of the inverse problem of aerosol scattering. The evolution of the size spectrum of aerosol particles in the fine fraction with r < 200 nm has been traced.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
R. F. Rakhimov, V. P. Shmargunov, and E. P. Yausheva "Microphysical changes in the aerosol component of the gas-disperse mixture of near-ground air under the exposure to ultraviolet radiation (DRT-1000 lamp)", Proc. SPIE 10466, 23rd International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, 104662P (30 November 2017);
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Ultraviolet radiation


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