Presentation + Paper
19 September 2017 Prediction of HDR quality by combining perceptually transformed display measurements with machine learning
Anustup Choudhury, Suzanne Farrell, Robin Atkins, Scott Daly
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We present an approach to predict overall HDR display quality as a function of key HDR display parameters. We first performed subjective experiments on a high quality HDR display that explored five key HDR display parameters: maximum luminance, minimum luminance, color gamut, bit-depth and local contrast. Subjects rated overall quality for different combinations of these display parameters.

We explored two models | a physical model solely based on physically measured display characteristics and a perceptual model that transforms physical parameters using human vision system models. For the perceptual model, we use a family of metrics based on a recently published color volume model (ICT-CP), which consists of the PQ luminance non-linearity (ST2084) and LMS-based opponent color, as well as an estimate of the display point spread function. To predict overall visual quality, we apply linear regression and machine learning techniques such as Multilayer Perceptron, RBF and SVM networks. We use RMSE and Pearson/Spearman correlation coefficients to quantify performance. We found that the perceptual model is better at predicting subjective quality than the physical model and that SVM is better at prediction than linear regression. The significance and contribution of each display parameter was investigated. In addition, we found that combined parameters such as contrast do not improve prediction. Traditional perceptual models were also evaluated and we found that models based on the PQ non-linearity performed better.
Conference Presentation
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Anustup Choudhury, Suzanne Farrell, Robin Atkins, and Scott Daly "Prediction of HDR quality by combining perceptually transformed display measurements with machine learning", Proc. SPIE 10396, Applications of Digital Image Processing XL, 1039607 (19 September 2017); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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High dynamic range imaging

Visual process modeling

Machine learning

Human vision and color perception





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