Presentation + Paper
3 October 2017 Applications of compressed sensing image reconstruction to sparse view phase tomography
Ryosuke Ueda, Hiroyuki Kudo, Jian Dong
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X-ray phase CT has a potential to give the higher contrast in soft tissue observations. To shorten the measure- ment time, sparse-view CT data acquisition has been attracting the attention. This paper applies two major compressed sensing (CS) approaches to image reconstruction in the x-ray sparse-view phase tomography. The first CS approach is the standard Total Variation (TV) regularization. The major drawbacks of TV regularization are a patchy artifact and loss in smooth intensity changes due to the piecewise constant nature of image model. The second CS method is a relatively new approach of CS which uses a nonlinear smoothing filter to design the regularization term. The nonlinear filter based CS is expected to reduce the major artifact in the TV regular- ization. The both cost functions can be minimized by the very fast iterative reconstruction method. However, in the past research activities, it is not clearly demonstrated how much image quality difference occurs between the TV regularization and the nonlinear filter based CS in x-ray phase CT applications. We clarify the issue by applying the two CS applications to the case of x-ray phase tomography. We provide results with numerically simulated data, which demonstrates that the nonlinear filter based CS outperforms the TV regularization in terms of textures and smooth intensity changes.
Conference Presentation
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ryosuke Ueda, Hiroyuki Kudo, and Jian Dong "Applications of compressed sensing image reconstruction to sparse view phase tomography", Proc. SPIE 10391, Developments in X-Ray Tomography XI, 103910H (3 October 2017); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Nonlinear filtering


Compressed sensing


Reconstruction algorithms


Image restoration

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